Nymølle Bæk - Østervrå

Distance: 166.48 Km

Nymølle Bæk originates in Pajhede Forest and is centrally located in a characteristic turning river and hilly landscape, which is one of the region's most beautiful.

The brook has a good slope and is supplied with a large amount of clean, cool groundwater from springs, which means that here you can find stream animals and insects that you will not find elsewhere due to pollution.
When you walk along the brook, you can see many small trout, which flee from hiding to hiding in a flash.

From October to December, you can be lucky to experience large sexually mature trout coming down from Voer Å and seek out the brook's gravel bottom to spawn.

Updated by: Destination NORD | info@destination-nord.dk
Photographer: Destination NORD - Frederikshavn