Flight simulator - F-16 Sim Experience

Distance: 134.95 Km

 | +45 30 28 94 00 |  kontakt@f-16sim.dk |  f-16sim.dk | 
At F-16 SIM EXPERIENCE you get a unique flight experience and an insight into what it's like to be a fighter pilot in a real F-16 aircraft.

The flight simulator has one of the world's most authentic and complete F-16 cockpits in civilian hands, three Full-HD projectors and a 270 degree screen system

After a short briefing, you fly your mission, which typically consists of take-off, various maneuvers in the air, bombing of ground targets, air combat and safe landing.
You get personal instruction, where you are guided through the mission by an instructor who has more than 20 years of experience as a commercial pilot.

During the flight, your instructor will sit right behind you and constantly help and explain to you what to do.
You will find F-16 SIM EXPERIENCE in the terminal in the middle of Aalborg Airport.

The experience is for anyone over the age of 12 and requires no prior piloting experience.

Updated by: Destination NORD | info@destination-nord.dk
Photographer: F-16SIM Copyright: F-16SIM
Photographer: F-16SIM Copyright: F-16SIM
Photographer: F-16SIM Copyright: F-16SIM