Gold & Rod Brønderslev

Distance: 154.27 Km

Make a find every day all year round. Come rain, come sun, come wind, no matter what, Guld & Rod is the best!

- because here you can make a discovery every day, all year round. No matter what the weather is like outside, you can go exploring and shop around among the many exciting things and things in the HUGE flea market.

If you love finding exciting things and cases, at the right price, then Gold & Rod is just the thing for you. It will never be boring to visit Guld & Rod, because there is always a replacement and new exciting things come every day all year round.

Is Gold and Rod a flea market or a thrift store?
Some choose to call it a used market, others call it secondhand or vintage. Even they just call themselves… Gold & Rod.

Because with Guld & Rod's new concept, you decide whether you want to buy or sell. It is up to you whether you want to save money or make money, no matter what you choose, you benefit both your wallet and the environment.

Too many good things lie and fill in basements, attics or garages. Things that are way too good to just be thrown out, but that are hard to find time to sell. Now Gold & Rod has made it easy for you.

Book a stand, and get cleaned up from basement to attic, there is money to be made, and it certainly is.

The root of one is the gold of the other. Maybe your next vacation just lies in the attic collecting dust.

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Updated by: Destination NORD |
Photographer: Brønderslev Business & Tourism